Oral Cancer Screening
There is one step in your dental exam that can be a lifesaver — oral cancer screening. One American dies from oral cancer every hour. Virtually everyone is at risk. In fact, twenty-five percent of cases of oral cancer occur in people who don’t smoke and have no other lifestyle risk factors.
Oral cancer is one of the most curable diseases when it’s caught early. That’s why we perform an annual oral cancer exam in combination with your conventional dental exam. At West Newton Dental Associates,we can help in identifying pre-cancerous and cancerous abnormalities of the mouth.
Are you at risk for oral cancer?
Highest risk: Patients 40 and older with lifestyle risk factors (tobacco and/or alcohol use, exposure to human papillomavirus [HPV]).
High risk: Patients 40 and older without lifestyle risk factors.
Increased risk: Patients 18-39 without lifestyle risk factors.
An annual oral cancer exam is quick and painless. A few minutes once a year can go a long way towards helping ensure a long and healthy. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about oral cancer screenings or to schedule an oral health consultation with one of our doctors.
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